Solar Panels - Have Sunshine, Will Power

Harnessing the power of the sun sounds like something out of Greek mythology or the latest addition to the Marvel Universe. In fact, solar power, which is literally energy created by sunlight, has become a bright spot (...🥁) all over the world. Politicians, activists, scientists, the general public are all excited about the possibilities that better solar panels and better solar batteries will harken a future that is less carbon-heavy, greener, and even less noisy than traditional energy sources.Just what are solar panels? Via The Economic Times:“Solar Panels are the devices that act as a medium to trap the sun's rays which are then converted into useful heat or electrical energy. They are also termed as photovoltaics or Solar PV as they consist of PV (solar) cells. It is a solar cell system where the PV cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern. It also comprises a semiconductor such as silicon.Solar panels do not create any noise as they harness the energy of the sunlight to generate electricity and heat. They even act as a physical barrier to heat when placed on the roofs of homes and buildings, protecting against the elements, while generating power. There’s a reason for so many “sun worshippers” - it’s not just about the summer bronzing. Solar could play a role in a greener future, and BorderBuddy would *love* to help you bring solar panels across the border.Speaking of borders, solar power is making huge inroads across the globe, notably in Canada and the USA, which is where BorderBuddy comes in. Panels were once prohibitively expensive, and their batteries maxed out at a certain storage. Now, a surge in solar growth is being fueled by falling prices, with the price of installation of solar dropping more than 60% over the past decade. According to US-based SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association), the drop in prices for solar panels permitted the industry to expand into new markets while deploying thousands of systems.

How much does it cost?

These are US costs, but are comparable across other nations:An average-sized residential system has dropped from a pre-incentive price of $40,000 in 2010 to roughly $20,000 today, while recent utility-scale prices range from $16/MWh - $35/MWh, competitive with all other forms of generation.” - SEIA. Prices are falling - and buying in bulk decreases the cost per unit - ideal for importing/exporting.

Why should I import/export solar?

While solar panel exportation in Canada had fallen 83% due to tariffs introduced by the USA, just recently, on July 11th, 2022, President Biden dropped the tariffs imposed on Trump - opening up the solar import/export industry to a much sunnier outlook for prospective importers and exporters in Canada and the USA.Solar is an option that more and more families, companies and governments are seriously investing in as the world weans itself off of fossil fuels. They are relatively affordable, and within some years, can actually earn energy credits back instead of drawing energy from traditional grids. Most solar panels' efficiency lasts for at least 30 years, so they would need to pay for themselves in that amount of time even to be considered an investment. Thankfully, many systems have a payback period between 8 and 16 years, allowing them to double their payback period.

Where should I buy solar panels/equipment:

Solar panels and their semiconductors are widely available online. However, there is a big buyer (importer/exporter) beware: because of the friction between China and the USA, pieces of solar equipment that were manufactured in China are unlikely to be accepted into either Canada or the USA. Elemex is a Canadian solar company with a wide range of solar panels, for personal purchase or for architects, developers and other buyers hungry to offer greener energy solutions. The appeal for sustainable, power-generating, even profit-earning solar panels is increasing, particularly as net-zero goals continue to be put forth by governments across North America. Volts is another reputable solar dealer, even offering free shipping, with some terms and conditions. Solar Electric Supply is based in the US, and has extensive solar power systems available for wholesale purchase.

Forecast for solar: sunny sunny sunny ☀️☀️☀️

It’s an interesting market, to say the least, with focus increasing on alternative energy sources, across the globe. Why not try your hand at being an early adopter? You may reap large benefits financially, while also feeling good about helping the planet.Questions? Give us a call or chat with one of our BorderBuddy agents - they have the sunniest of dispositions - and all the answers you’d need in making the border disappear for importing and exporting solar equipment.


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