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Love it or loathe it, winter is coming. With it comes many activities to seize snow days - like sledding through the backcountry on your wintry chariot. Or, as they are more commonly called, snowmobiles. Snowmobiles, sleds, Skidoos, all are powerful ways to enjoy pow, and what better time than the present to kit yourself up for when the snow starts accumulating?We’ve rounded up some of the best snowmobile sites on the web. We also found a useful forum for snowmobile fans to chat about their own experiences bringing sleds to and from Canada and the USA. In many ways, it’s similar to importing a vehicle, like a car or truck, but there are some key differences. We’ve compiled as much how-to and where-to info for you in this article, but when in doubt, please don’t hesitate to call or email us. Depending on where you are in the world, we know the window for enjoying the white stuff on your snowmobile is precious - and may be limited! So, let’s go shopping.
Snowmobile Trader has a huge selection of new and used snowmobiles, drawing in thousands of sellers and buyers looking for the best in snow adventure sports machines. Carrying such industry staples as Polaris, Yamaha, Arctic-Cat and others, Snowmobile Trader even lets you look for the sleds closest to you via zip/postal code. More than just a shopping site, it also has a handy review forum, blog and extensive community of passionate snowmobilers who share their insights into the best new and used options for every level of sledder.Sled is a great place to find new and used snowmobiles, parts, gear, and has a highly functional search tool that lets you narrow down your search results really specifically if you know what you’re looking for, or lets you look more broadly if you don’t quite know what you want yet and are curious what’s out there. boasts itself as being Canada’s #1 snowmobile dealer - and we can see why!If you’re ready to make your selection, snowmobiles fall under the same category as a vehicle, so our BorderBuddy customs calculator will be very helpful for you. Check it out before you buy. Then, once you’re ready, make sure you follow our checklist for importing and exporting snowmobiles into the USA.
NOTE: many ports don’t process vehicles for export on weekends, so call ahead to avoid frustration of being turned awayFor importing snowmobiles into Canada, the same rules apply as importing any other regulated vehicle. Check out our article on importing vehicles with BorderBuddy into Canada, and it should answer all your questions. Provided they meet the same safety and other requirements as a car/truck, you will simply pay the same customs rate. Use our free customs calculator to get an estimate. We’ll have you zooming through powder in no time!